Products & Services

- Time and Money-Savings Services

So you can devote your day and hard-earned cash to other things

Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)

With a PAFCU World Cash card and a PIN (Personal Identification Number), you can make withdrawals from your prime share, checking, or money market account, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through ATMs on the NYCE and CIRRUS participating networks.

Automatic Deposit/Payment Services

These PAFCU services allow you to make better use of your time as well as offer a worry-free method of paying loans. A discounted interest rate (Preferred Annual Percentage Rate) is offered to member loans being repaid by any Automatic Payment service.

Direct Deposit/ACH
Allows for your entire paycheck to be deposited either to your Prime Share or Checking account. Funds can then be automatically transferred to other accounts, or applied to loan payments as specified by you. Social Security, pensions or other regularly recurring federal checks can also be deposited in this manner. Saves precious time waiting in teller lines; gives peace of mind knowing that your loan payments are made on time.

Payroll Deduction
Many participating employers provide PAFCU with this type of option. You can authorize a portion of your paycheck to be deposited in your accounts as specified by you. Especially useful for Holiday and Vacation Club savings.

Tel-Me Automated Response System

Allows you to make many transactions, day or night, all year long. All you need is a touch-tone phone, your member number, an access code and a list of service codes. With Tel-Me, you can: make withdrawals and have a check sent in the mail; get your account balance; transfer funds; find out if a check has cleared; obtain current dividend and loan rate information; find out if your loan has been approved; and much more. It's as easy and convenient as talking to a friend. To use Tel-Me, dial (516) 434-6800. Members outside the 631 and 516 area codes can dial toll-free 800-282-8355. Choose 1 for English and 2 for Spanish, input your member number, then your access code when prompted. The access code is the last four digits of your social security number. When prompted, input the service code number for the information or transaction you wish. Service codes are as follows:
To change your access code 66#
Account Inquiry
Deposits (specify number) 8#
Withdrawals (specify number) 9#
Account Balances
Prime Share Account 11#
Checking Account 12#
Other Account (specify number) 15#
Loan Balance 16#
Checks Paid
Last Check Paid 13#
Any Check Paid 14#
Money Market Check Paid 17#
To Reorder Checks 65#
Prime Share to Checking Account 21#
Checking to Prime Share Account 22#
Account to Account 27#
Cross Member Transfers 29#
Check Withdrawal
To be Mailed:
From Prime Share Account 31#
From Other Accounts (specify number) 34#
To be Picked Up:
From Prime Share Account 32#
From Other Accounts (specify number) 35#